Why we all need probiotics – The many reasons why Live Bacteria is our ‘hero product’
I think many of you already know the story of how developing my own range of digestive and gut health supplements came about, but perhaps you don’t know why probiotics feature so prominently in my range. When I qualified in colon hydrotherapy 20 years ago, and began treating people with this amazing therapy, I quickly […]
Healthy gut, healthy pregnancy
Whether you’re trying for a baby, currently pregnant or coping with a new-born, there’s one simple thing you can do to positively impact things for both you and your baby – improve your gut health. Imagine your gut microbiome is like a tiny, beautiful Amazon rainforest, filled with all kinds of diverse living organisms. This […]
Can probiotics reduce period pain/PMS?
Our bodies are a lot different at age 50 than they are at 17. Our hair changes colour, our skin looks different, our metabolism slows down – and our periods change too. While there’s no such thing as a ‘normal period’, every woman’s menstrual cycle is unique and can fluctuate throughout her lifetime. The release […]
Happiness Unleashed – Watch the video!
‘Happiness’ is a word loaded with expectations, hope, yearning, and confusion. It can feel elusive, but this usually has more to do with how you relate to the concept than with how you really feel. In my most recent live event, I delved into the subject of happiness with Rapid Transformational Therapist, Rosalyn Palmer. If […]
Five daily habits to support your digestion
Gut health is crucial year-round, but during winter, our dietary and lifestyle habits tend to shift, often leading to digestive discomfort. Research suggests that we all have a unique combination of gut microbes. Your gut microbiome is as unique to you as are your fingerprints. This means that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to improving […]
Don’t let bugs and viruses wreak havoc this winter
Statistically speaking, most of us will get at least one cold this year, but who wants to be a statistic? Each new year, we pledge to transform our bodies, improve our careers, dump toxic friends, organise our homes and develop new hobbies. We dedicate ourselves to doing more – more exercise, more work, more activities […]
How Emotional Freedom Technique can help you survive Christmas – watch the video
Times are tough, more so than in a long, long time. We are surrounded by situations that create a lot of stress, anxiety, fear, loneliness, and isolation. Much of this was made worse by the pandemic, and now we live in a very challenging world, filled with conflict, and a spiralling global economy. It’s little […]
Mind Over Menopause – watch the video!
If you were unable to join me and the wonderful Rosalyn Palmer, Rapid Transformational Therapist for our recent live discussion, you can watch the video here, and I promise you – it’s one you will not want to miss! ‘Mind Over Menopause’ was the central theme of our discussion – how menopause can affect the […]
IBS for over 30 years – symptoms now improving!
I would like to share this video of me reading out a lovely, uplifting testimonial that I received from Zena, who was almost at her wits’ end when she contacted me, having struggled with IBS symptoms for over 30 years. I often receive messages from people like Zena, who have suffered with IBS and other […]
Ready for your autumn gut reboot?
Why does the transition from summer to autumn often feel stressful? Well, the summer can be a busy time – those blissful longer days allow more time to be social, being outdoors for longer and generally more active. I don’t know about you, but just thinking of summer conjures up images of fun, holidays and […]
August is ‘Happiness Happens Month’!
Happiness Happens Month is celebrated annually in August. It is dedicated to celebrating things that make you happy. It’s a known fact that happiness is contagious and sharing your happiness can bring a smile to someone’s face. The month reminds us that happiness can be found in even little things that we might not notice […]
The many uses of our Live Bacteria capsules – watch the video!
Our Live Bacteria probiotic capsules are our best-selling, most popular supplement. I explore some of their many uses and benefits in this video. Before you watch, let me share some more information that highlights how versatile our Live Bacteria capsules are, and if you are not already, why you need to be taking a daily […]
Eat like a ‘super ager’ to live longer!
There are a lot of ‘super agers’ around the world. You may know someone yourself. That inspiring elderly person you see running around like they are middle-aged may seem like an anomaly, but they aren’t. More and more people are living into their 90s and 100s nowadays. Super ageing isn’t limited to one place. While […]
Healthy ageing with herbal medicine – watch the video!
If you weren’t able to catch me talking to medical herbalist, Katherine Bellchambers, about the many ways in which herbal medicine can support the body to help us age healthily, you can watch the video here. We talked about how oxidation and chronic inflammation can age us prematurely – and by that, I don’t just […]
Wave goodbye to holiday constipation with our Travel Survival Kit!
Whether you’re hopping on a plane or jumping into your car for a road trip, digestive issues can put a damper on your travel plans. Even people who don’t have trouble with regular bowel movements may find that they become constipated when they go on holiday due to the change in routine. Travel constipation can […]
Does inflammation speed up ageing?
Ageing is a natural part of life that we can’t change, but did you know that unchecked inflammation and oxidative stress can accelerate the ageing process both internally and externally? Oxidative stress and inflammation – what are they? Let’s start with inflammation, which comes in two types—acute and chronic. Acute inflammation occurs in response to […]