Linda talking about self-care

Overcome your digestive struggles this year!

As we enter a new year, many of us are setting new health and wellness goals, hoping to address long-standing issues and prioritise our wellbeing. If I am being completely honest, last year was a particularly challenging one ‘chez Booth’, and I had to put my own health needs on the backburner for a while. However, […]

Live Bacteria and Digestive Enzymes

Festive feasting without the fuss

As we head into the festive season, no one wants to feel anxious about going to a party or social occasion. The last thing anyone needs is to be worrying about where the nearest toilet is, unable to fully relax, stressing over the menu, wondering if digestive symptoms are going to flare up. I recently […]

festive feasting

Festive feasting without the fuss

As we head into the festive season, no one wants to feel anxious about going to a party or social occasion. The last thing you need to be worrying about where the nearest toilet is, unable to fully relax, stressing over the menu, wondering if digestive symptoms are going to flare up. I recently received […]

Surviving and thriving during menopause

Surviving and thriving during menopause

Watch my video chat with Jane Barrett Here at Just For Tummies, we like to make a point of marking World Menopause Day, which takes place every October, by diving deeper into the powerful connection between the health of the gut and menopause. This year, I was delighted to speak to Jane Barrett, an experienced […]

Are antacids contributing to your Diverticular Disease?

Understanding the impact of PPIs on gut health Diverticular disease and diverticulitis are common digestive conditions that affect many people, especially as they age. The exact cause of diverticulitis remains unclear, but there are several factors that can contribute to it, including chronic constipation, blockages in the colon, and inflammation. While lifestyle factors including diet […]

Can poor gut health cause dementia?

Can poor gut health cause dementia?

Personal insights inspired by my mum’s dementia You may be surprised to learn that your gut bacteria could affect your mood, your behaviours, and even your brain functions, but the evidence is mounting, and researchers are building an understanding of how gut bacteria and the health of the brain are connected. That flutter you get […]

shift work

Is shift work wrecking your gut health?

Ways to manage the digestive impact of disrupted eating patterns Over the years, I’ve been contacted by dozens of people who work shifts (in health and social care, emergency and security services, as well as in many manufacturing industries) and who have digestive issues. Nurses who work on the maternity ward tell me that they […]

supplements for IBS

How antibiotics can wreak havoc on your oral health

One customer’s experience with Burning Mouth Syndrome Have you ever started taking a new medication and noticed something different about your mouth? Perhaps you notice that your lips and the roof of your mouth are burning; your food tastes metallic, or your mouth is excessively dry. These could be signs of Burning Mouth Syndrome, a […]

From Fear To Freedom

From Fear to Freedom – Empowering your Mental Wellness

Watch the informative video discussion Mental wellbeing is not a luxury in today’s demanding world; it’s the cornerstone of a fulfilling and balanced life. It’s a state of emotional, psychological, and social harmony that allows us to thrive and reach our full potential. But how do you to navigate life with a sense of calm […]

Happy World Digestive Health Day

Make your gut your number one health priority

World Digestive Health Day (WDHD) is celebrated each year on 29th May with associated events, activities, and initiatives continuing throughout and beyond the campaign year. Set up by the World Gastroenterology Organisation (WGO), this day seeks to raise awareness of digestive health – this year’s WDHD theme is Your Digestive Health: Make It A Priority. […]


The anti-ageing effects of the Viva-Mayr Clinic gut healing protocols

Science reveals a symbiotic relationship between a healthy gut and our brain, our immune system, and our skin. Understanding what is happening beneath the skin, at the gut level, impacts how the skin and body function, age and respond to treatments. Lifestyle choices, inflammation, environmental toxins, stress levels, antibiotics, alcohol consumption and diet, all cause […]

Is it IBS or SIBO

Is it IBS or SIBO? Watch the video.

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) are two common gut conditions that often cause confusion and frustration. While they share similar symptoms like bloating, abdominal pain, constipation, and diarrhoea, they are different conditions with differing underlying causes. In our most recent live video discussion, nutritional therapist, Sophia Hill and I took […]

Live Bacteria

Probiotics can improve your IBS symptoms

IBS is a complex set of symptoms and triggers, so any treatment protocol needs to be tailored to the individual. We all have different health conditions and medications we take, as well as unique symptoms, gut microbiomes, genetics, history, eating habits, responsibilities, and work patterns. I receive many, many enquiries from people looking for ‘IBS […]

Treatments tailor-made for transformation – My Viva-Mayr wellness ‘cure’

“Those who starve do not fast, and those who fast do not starve.” (From: ‘Modern Mayr Medicine and Viva-Mayr Principles for Good Digestion and a Better Life’ by Prof Harald Stossier and Dr. George Stossier.) Many of you will have read about or seen some of my posts from my recent stay at the Viva-Mayr […]

Live Bacteria

Why we all need probiotics – The many reasons why Live Bacteria is our ‘hero product’

I think many of you already know the story of how developing my own range of digestive and gut health supplements came about, but perhaps you don’t know why probiotics feature so prominently in my range. When I qualified in colon hydrotherapy 20 years ago, and began treating people with this amazing therapy, I quickly […]