Delivery and Returns FAQs

What delivery options do you offer?

  • FREE standard UK delivery on all orders of £40 and over.
  • All parcels will be dispatched within 48 hours of payment being received via our website, and will be sent via Royal Mail Tracked 48 (5-7working days). Therefore please allow up to 7 days for your order to arrive.
  • Orders of less than £40 will be charged our standard £3.95 postage and packaging fee.
  • UK deliveries only.

I have not received my order, what should I do?

Please allow up to 7 working days for your order to arrive. After 7 days, we recommend that you first contact your local sorting office to check if they are holding your parcel for you. If they do not have your parcel, please email the Tummy Team tummyteam@justfortummies.co.uk and we will be happy to investigate for you.

Can I track my order?

We dispatch standard UK orders using Royal Mail Tracked 48 – a tracked service

Can I request for my order to be left somewhere if I am out when it is delivered?

Yes, we are happy to include an instruction requesting that your parcel is left in a secure place such as a shed, a secure porch or with a neighbour. We are unable to include instructions that request that the parcel is left somewhere which is not secure, such as in the garden or in a bin. If you wish to request that your parcel is left in a secure place, simply tick the box ‘Delivery instructions’ on the order page.

Do you deliver worldwide?

We currently only deliver to UK postcodes and BFPO

Do you deliver to BFPO addresses?

Yes, please enter your delivery address as normal during the checkout, selecting BFPO in the country field.

Can I have my order delivered to multiple addresses?

If you would like to send orders to more than one address, please place a separate order for each delivery address.

What is your returns policy?

We hope that you love our products as much as we do, but if for any reason you are unhappy with any item purchased through our website, then please email us at tummyteam@justfortummies.co.uk within 30 days of receiving your order and we will be happy to arrange a refund or exchange.

How do I return a product to you?

Please contact the Tummy Team at tummyteam@justfortummies.co.uk and we will be happy to assist you further.

How do I cancel my order?

You also have the statutory right to withdraw from the order at any time after it has been dispatched, but no later than 7 working days after the day after you receive the product. Please email the Tummy Team at tummyteam@justfortummies.co.uk with your name, address and order reference number

Shopping Online FAQs

Why do I need to register?

Registering on our website makes ordering online quicker and easier for you. We securely store your information so that when you visit us again online you can simply login with your email and password. This allows you to complete your order without having to enter all of your information each time you shop. For an even faster way of ordering online you can also store your payment details securely with us. All of your personal details are securely stored for your peace of mind. Full terms and conditions of shopping with us are available on our site.  

How will you protect my privacy and security?

Just For Tummies are committed to respecting and protecting the privacy of anyone using our site and the confidentiality of any information that you provide us with. See our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy for more information.

Which payment methods do you support?

We accept PayPal plus the following credit and debit cards for payment online: American Express, UK Maestro, MasterCard, Solo and Visa. You can safely enter your credit card number via our secure server, which encrypts all submitted information.

Forgotten password?

If you forget your password to access your account online we can send you a new password to the email address you have registered with us. Simply go to our Forgot your password? page and enter your email address. An email will then be sent containing your new password.

Once the email arrives, we strongly recommend logging into your account and changing your password to something more memorable.

If you have any further issues then please contact the Tummy Team at tummyteam@justfortummies.co.uk

How do I subscribe to emails?

If you’d like to receive regular updates and offers straight into your inbox, please fill out the subscribe to emails link on the Home page, or the Contact page.

How do I unsubscribe from emails?

You can start and stop your email subscription with us in two ways. The easiest way to stop receiving our emails is to use the Unsubscribe link in the email that is sent to you. Clicking this link takes you to our website and updates your subscription status.

Alternatively you can update your email preferences in the My Account area. Once you have logged in to your account, go to the email subscriptions section. Simply click the Unsubscribe button to update your preferences.

Please note that we will process your request as soon as possible, but it might take us up to 7 days

Product Information FAQs

I’m new to the range, which products should I start with?

The key to good digestive health is Live Bacteria, taken each morning with a good breakfast. Our high strength, multi strain formulation contains 4 billion live bacteria in every capsule to replenish your gut flora and bring your digestive system back into balance. Most people also benefit from Digestive Enzymes. Our plant-derived formulation also contains calcium to give extra support to your digestive system. If you lead a stressful lifestyle, eat late at night, or if you eat on the go, a Digesitve Enzyme taken with your evening meal will help to process your food and ensure it isn’t fermenting overnight in your digestive system. If you’re over 50, it’s likely your digestive system needs a helping hand, and so a Digestive Enzyme should be taken daily with your last meal of the day. Browse our Shop, Symptoms and Diet Plans pages for information about specific digestive health problems, and for help building your tailored digestive health plan.

Are your products suitable for vegetarians and vegans?

All our products, with the exception of Omega 3, are suitable for vegetarians and vegans. Our Omega 3 capsules contain cold-pressed fish oil and are therefore unsuitable for vegetarians and vegans.

What additives do your products contain?

All our products are free from additives that irritate the digestive tract. Our supplements and tea contain no added sugar, salt, starch, yeasts, flavourings, colourings or preservatives.

Are your products tested on animals?

We don’t test either products or ingredients on animals, instead we only test on human volunteers.

What is the shelf life of your products?

Our products have been tested in accordance with industry standards and have a minimum shelf life of 24 months. Many have a shelf life of 36 months.

On each of our products you will find a manufactured date and a use by date. We only supply products in perfect condition with a minimum of 12 months remaining on the use by date.

Do you supply samples?

We don’t supply samples, but our products are supplied in either 30 or 60 unit boxes, which last a month if you use according to directions. If you are thinking of buying a product and are concerned it may not be to your liking, please note that we are happy to offer a refund or exchange on any unsuitable products. Simply contact us within 14 days of receiving the product and we will be happy to arrange this for you. However please bear in mind that most of our products will need to be used for a month or so before a change in health is noticed, as they are natural supplements and not pharmaceutical drugs.

Are your products suitable for people with allergies?

Allergies vary from person to person and so unfortunately we are not able to confirm you will personally not suffer an allergic reaction to our products. However, all of our products are formulated to the highest standards and do not contain added sugar, salt, starch, yeasts, flavourings, colourings or preservatives.

In addition, and unlike many supplements, our products are made it a long-established UK manufacturing facility operating to very high quality standards, so you can feel confident that our products contain what we say they do. If you have any known, serious allergies, we always recommend you speak to your medical practitioner first or call the Tummy Team on 0115 9676699 to seek further advice.

Are your products suitable for children?

All our products are natural health supplements and are suitable for children. However, due to the potency of our products, the capsules and tablets can be large. If your child is suffering from digestive health problems, we would always recommend you consult a medical practitioner before giving any product to a child under the age of 16. If you wish to give our Live Bacteria to a child to maintain digestive health, we recommend breaking the capsules and emptying the powder into a little water for your child to drink.

I’m pregnant and worried about using supplements – should I stop using the products?

All our products are natural health supplements and are not contra-indicated for use in pregnancy. However we recommend consulting your medical practitioner before taking any supplements during pregnancy.

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