reset for the new year

Reset for the New Year with Rosalyn Palmer

A new year is a fresh opportunity to reset, realign, and take charge of your life – and I can’t think of a better way to kick it off than with an inspiring conversation about balance and wellbeing. This is just what I did with the brilliant Rosalyn Palmer, Transformational Coach and Therapist – a trusted voice […]

avoid winter cold

A different way to fight winter viruses

I’ve been following Dr. John Campbell on YouTube for several years now and value his experience and knowledge on many health-related matters.   I thought this 10-minute video where he talks about how he managed his recent respiratory virus symptoms with rest, hydration, iodine gargles and supplements would be helpful – after all, however hard we […]

Live Bacteria and Digestive Enzymes

Festive feasting without the fuss

As we head into the festive season, no one wants to feel anxious about going to a party or social occasion. The last thing anyone needs is to be worrying about where the nearest toilet is, unable to fully relax, stressing over the menu, wondering if digestive symptoms are going to flare up. I recently […]

Immune-boosting supplements for Autumn

Let’s prepare for the ‘Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness’ The arrival of autumn always reminds me of one of my favourite poems by Keats, “To Autumn,” which opens with that beautiful line: ‘Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness’. There’s something so special about this time of year – the cooler, crisp air, shorter days, and the beautiful transformation […]

Surviving and thriving during menopause

Surviving and thriving during menopause

Watch my video chat with Jane Barrett Here at Just For Tummies, we like to make a point of marking World Menopause Day, which takes place every October, by diving deeper into the powerful connection between the health of the gut and menopause. This year, I was delighted to speak to Jane Barrett, an experienced […]

supplements for IBS

How antibiotics can wreak havoc on your oral health

One customer’s experience with Burning Mouth Syndrome Have you ever started taking a new medication and noticed something different about your mouth? Perhaps you notice that your lips and the roof of your mouth are burning; your food tastes metallic, or your mouth is excessively dry. These could be signs of Burning Mouth Syndrome, a […]


The anti-ageing effects of the Viva-Mayr Clinic gut healing protocols

Science reveals a symbiotic relationship between a healthy gut and our brain, our immune system, and our skin. Understanding what is happening beneath the skin, at the gut level, impacts how the skin and body function, age and respond to treatments. Lifestyle choices, inflammation, environmental toxins, stress levels, antibiotics, alcohol consumption and diet, all cause […]

Castor Oil

The health benefits of castor oil packs – Watch the interesting video discussion

If you didn’t get to watch the recent live discussion I had with founder of Castorvida, Alison Leighton, all about the health benefits of castor oil packs, then I highly recommend you watch the video. It was fascinating to listen to Alison talking about the many ways in which the use of castor oil can […]

Treatments tailor-made for transformation – My Viva-Mayr wellness ‘cure’

“Those who starve do not fast, and those who fast do not starve.” (From: ‘Modern Mayr Medicine and Viva-Mayr Principles for Good Digestion and a Better Life’ by Prof Harald Stossier and Dr. George Stossier.) Many of you will have read about or seen some of my posts from my recent stay at the Viva-Mayr […]

Viva-Mayr Day Clinic

My wellness retreat to the Viva-Mayr Clinic

Illness is a drama in 10 acts: I first heard about the Viva-Mayr Clinic in Austria back in 2009. Dr. Harald Stossier, the Clinic’s Medical Director used to visit London and give talks on the Mayr ‘cure’, which is based on the principles of the now renowned Mayr method. Developed by Dr. F.X Mayr over […]


Resolving sinus congestion naturally

Since late autumn, continuing throughout the very grey, wet winter we have had, I have been receiving enquiries from people who are suffering with sinusitis, sinus congestion and rhinitis, conditions which tend to prevail in colder weather, as the change in temperature and humidity can irritate the sinuses and lead to congestion, headaches, and other […]

Live Bacteria

Why we all need probiotics – The many reasons why Live Bacteria is our ‘hero product’

I think many of you already know the story of how developing my own range of digestive and gut health supplements came about, but perhaps you don’t know why probiotics feature so prominently in my range. When I qualified in colon hydrotherapy 20 years ago, and began treating people with this amazing therapy, I quickly […]

avoid winter cold

Don’t let bugs and viruses wreak havoc this winter

Statistically speaking, most of us will get at least one cold this year, but who wants to be a statistic? Each new year, we pledge to transform our bodies, improve our careers, dump toxic friends, organise our homes and develop new hobbies. We dedicate ourselves to doing more – more exercise, more work, more activities […]