Sourdough Bread

The hidden perks of sourdough bread

Bread has been a dietary staple for millennia, yet in recent years, it’s developed a bit of a bad reputation. Many people associate bread with bloating, weight gain, and digestive issues. But not all bread is created equal, and sourdough stands apart as a nutritious and gut-friendly option. This ancient, naturally fermented bread offers numerous […]

Activated Charcoal

Make this January the beginning of a better you!

After the indulgence of the festive season, January offers the perfect opportunity to give your body a much-needed reset. The rich foods, indulgent treats, and celebratory drinks enjoyed during the holidays may have brought joy to your taste buds but likely placed additional stress on your liver and digestive system. This can leave you feeling […]

Linda talking about self-care

Overcome your digestive struggles this year!

As we enter a new year, many of us are setting new health and wellness goals, hoping to address long-standing issues and prioritise our wellbeing. If I am being completely honest, last year was a particularly challenging one ‘chez Booth’, and I had to put my own health needs on the backburner for a while. However, […]

Remembering loved ones on Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Day

During November, we mark Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Day, a day to highlight one of the most aggressive and challenging forms of cancer. This cancer claims the lives of many each year, including notable figures like Patrick Swayze, Alan Rickman, Steve Jobs, John Hurt, and Aretha Franklin. In the UK, pancreatic cancer has a survival rate of just […]

festive feasting

Festive feasting without the fuss

As we head into the festive season, no one wants to feel anxious about going to a party or social occasion. The last thing you need to be worrying about where the nearest toilet is, unable to fully relax, stressing over the menu, wondering if digestive symptoms are going to flare up. I recently received […]

An example of a sugary Christmas treat that may have a bad effect on the stomach

The critical role of stomach acid – especially during the festive season

As the festive season approaches, you may be finding that you are already indulging in heavier, richer foods (enjoying the odd mince pie already?) and drinking more alcohol – I don’t know about you, but it feels as though the festivities start earlier and earlier with each passing year! These dietary changes can lead to […]

Are antacids contributing to your Diverticular Disease?

Understanding the impact of PPIs on gut health Diverticular disease and diverticulitis are common digestive conditions that affect many people, especially as they age. The exact cause of diverticulitis remains unclear, but there are several factors that can contribute to it, including chronic constipation, blockages in the colon, and inflammation. While lifestyle factors including diet […]

Chia Breakfast Bowl

Chia Seed Breakfast Bowl – our deliciously simple new recipe

Nourish your gut this autumn As we move into autumn, we wanted to share some delicious and nutritious recipes that not only embrace the season, but also support both your digestive and gut health as well as your emotional wellbeing – after all, this can be a more stressful time of year for many. We will be […]

Live Bacteria

Are you getting the right advice for your Diverticular Disease?

Why antibiotics alone aren’t enough – read our customers’ experiences As a digestive and gut health specialist and a complementary health practitioner with over 30 years of experience, it frustrates me deeply when I hear from people diagnosed with diverticular disease or diverticulitis who receive little more than a course of antibiotics – and nothing else. […]


Let’s celebrate the first ever Diverticular Disease Awareness Month

Join us in empowering those who need support and understanding We are thrilled to announce that this October marks the first ever Diverticular Disease Awareness Month! This initiative aims to bring some much-needed attention to diverticular disease, a condition that affects millions but remains largely misunderstood. As with similar awareness months, the goal is to […]


Can menopause cause digestive problems?

Learn more in our Menopause and Gut Health Guide There’s been lots of talk and media attention about menopause in recent years and I applaud and welcome this shift towards encouraging open conversations among women. Once considered a taboo subject, menopause is now being brought to the forefront, with more women sharing their experiences and […]

shift work

Is shift work wrecking your gut health?

Ways to manage the digestive impact of disrupted eating patterns Over the years, I’ve been contacted by dozens of people who work shifts (in health and social care, emergency and security services, as well as in many manufacturing industries) and who have digestive issues. Nurses who work on the maternity ward tell me that they […]

Summer Supplements

Your guide to a healthier summer

Supplements to keep you thriving this season Many of us tend to think about stocking up on supplements during autumn as we look to strengthen our defences against the incoming winter viruses. But looking after your health and wellbeing is essential all year round, and the summer season can bring unique challenges. We spend more […]

Happy World Digestive Health Day

Make your gut your number one health priority

World Digestive Health Day (WDHD) is celebrated each year on 29th May with associated events, activities, and initiatives continuing throughout and beyond the campaign year. Set up by the World Gastroenterology Organisation (WGO), this day seeks to raise awareness of digestive health – this year’s WDHD theme is Your Digestive Health: Make It A Priority. […]

Perfect Balance Kit

A healthier gut for a happier mind

“An overall feeling of wellness” for Claire Having a healthy gut plays a key role in maintaining an exceptional quality of life, including optimal fitness and a happy mood. The gut’s effects on wellness are profound – your gut and brain are more closely linked than you might think. If you have experienced having a […]