Root Vegetable Stew

Warm up with our Seasonal Pumpkin and Rustic Root Veggie Stew

For me, there’s something very special about this time of year. The air turns crisp, leaves blanket the ground in vibrant shades, and the farmers markets fill with seasonal veggies just waiting to be enjoyed. I love seeing pumpkins, squash, and hearty root vegetables arrive – they’re full of flavours that warm us up from […]

An example of a sugary Christmas treat that may have a bad effect on the stomach

The critical role of stomach acid – especially during the festive season

As the festive season approaches, you may be finding that you are already indulging in heavier, richer foods (enjoying the odd mince pie already?) and drinking more alcohol – I don’t know about you, but it feels as though the festivities start earlier and earlier with each passing year! These dietary changes can lead to […]

Vitamin D with Dr Grimes

Vitamin D with Dr David Grimes

Watch the video – learn to unlock the power of Vitamin D! I first came across Dr David Grimes when he was interviewed by Dr John Campbell, whose popular YouTube channel I have been subscribing to for many years. After Dr Grimes gave a talk on Vitamin D at a professional colon hydrotherapy conference that a […]

Summer Supplements

Your guide to a healthier summer

Supplements to keep you thriving this season Many of us tend to think about stocking up on supplements during autumn as we look to strengthen our defences against the incoming winter viruses. But looking after your health and wellbeing is essential all year round, and the summer season can bring unique challenges. We spend more […]

Beetroot Smoothie

Download our Seasonal Cleansing Beetroot Smoothie recipe

Harness the huge health benefits of beets this summer We all have very specific smells that send a wave of nostalgia through our body and trigger childhood memories. Maybe the smell of vanilla reminds you of your grandma’s baking; the smell of coconut brings back memories of the sun cream you used on family holidays; […]


The anti-ageing effects of the Viva-Mayr Clinic gut healing protocols

Science reveals a symbiotic relationship between a healthy gut and our brain, our immune system, and our skin. Understanding what is happening beneath the skin, at the gut level, impacts how the skin and body function, age and respond to treatments. Lifestyle choices, inflammation, environmental toxins, stress levels, antibiotics, alcohol consumption and diet, all cause […]

Antibiotic use as a risk factor for IBS

Antibiotic use as a risk factor for IBS

How a disrupted gut can trigger symptoms I recently spent two weeks at the wonderful Viva-Mayr Clinic of Modern Medicine in Austria carrying out their world-renowned wellness ‘cure’ and whilst there, I attended a few evening lectures where the medical doctors share their knowledge and wisdom on how to maintain a healthy gut. During one […]

Linda Just For Tummies

IBS-free for 81-year old Carol – How our supplements have delivered a new lease of life

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a complex set of symptoms and root causes, from negative shifts in your microbiome to food intolerance to a dysregulated gut-brain connection. When you start to tackle ways of fixing IBS through diet and lifestyle and targeted supplements, you need to be consistent and patient – remember, it’s not likely […]

Viva-Mayr Day Clinic

My wellness retreat to the Viva-Mayr Clinic

Illness is a drama in 10 acts: I first heard about the Viva-Mayr Clinic in Austria back in 2009. Dr. Harald Stossier, the Clinic’s Medical Director used to visit London and give talks on the Mayr ‘cure’, which is based on the principles of the now renowned Mayr method. Developed by Dr. F.X Mayr over […]


Resolving sinus congestion naturally

Since late autumn, continuing throughout the very grey, wet winter we have had, I have been receiving enquiries from people who are suffering with sinusitis, sinus congestion and rhinitis, conditions which tend to prevail in colder weather, as the change in temperature and humidity can irritate the sinuses and lead to congestion, headaches, and other […]

Healthy Mum Healthy Baby

Healthy Mum, Healthy Baby – Watch the video!

The subject of my most recent live discussion centred on a woman’s journey to pregnancy and beyond. I was joined by nutritional therapist, Sophia Hill, who as mum to recently turned one-year-old Freida, had plenty to share – from how she prepared her body pre-conception, how she navigated pregnancy itself to how she is faring […]

Live Bacteria

Why we all need probiotics – The many reasons why Live Bacteria is our ‘hero product’

I think many of you already know the story of how developing my own range of digestive and gut health supplements came about, but perhaps you don’t know why probiotics feature so prominently in my range. When I qualified in colon hydrotherapy 20 years ago, and began treating people with this amazing therapy, I quickly […]

green superfood soup

Boost your immunity this January

Our super simple, very nourishing Gorgeous Green Superfood Soup is a warming, cosy way to get your greens in! It’s the cold weather equivalent to your power smoothie. From a naturopathic and traditional Chinese medicine viewpoint, cold drinks/food should be limited during the colder months, including smoothies and juices. The body needs warmth during cold […]