Can antacids cause bloating?
Is your tummy feeling tight, swollen, gassy and painful? Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs) are the mainstay of treatment for gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD). They are one of the most prescribed group of drugs in the western world. A study published in 2020 that evaluated their use in the UK over 15 years found that 20% […]
From Fear to Freedom – Empowering your Mental Wellness
Watch the informative video discussion Mental wellbeing is not a luxury in today’s demanding world; it’s the cornerstone of a fulfilling and balanced life. It’s a state of emotional, psychological, and social harmony that allows us to thrive and reach our full potential. But how do you to navigate life with a sense of calm […]
Oral health – your gateway to overall health
According to the Oral Health Foundation, almost 2 in 5 adults don’t visit a dentist regularly, 1 in 3 have tooth decay, and there are 8,772 new cases of mouth cancer each year. These stark statistics make us glad that National Smile Month is back again – it began on May 13th and continues until […]
The anti-ageing effects of the Viva-Mayr Clinic gut healing protocols
Science reveals a symbiotic relationship between a healthy gut and our brain, our immune system, and our skin. Understanding what is happening beneath the skin, at the gut level, impacts how the skin and body function, age and respond to treatments. Lifestyle choices, inflammation, environmental toxins, stress levels, antibiotics, alcohol consumption and diet, all cause […]
Is it IBS or SIBO? Watch the video.
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) are two common gut conditions that often cause confusion and frustration. While they share similar symptoms like bloating, abdominal pain, constipation, and diarrhoea, they are different conditions with differing underlying causes. In our most recent live video discussion, nutritional therapist, Sophia Hill and I took […]
The health benefits of castor oil packs – Watch the interesting video discussion
If you didn’t get to watch the recent live discussion I had with founder of Castorvida, Alison Leighton, all about the health benefits of castor oil packs, then I highly recommend you watch the video. It was fascinating to listen to Alison talking about the many ways in which the use of castor oil can […]
Resolving sinus congestion naturally
Since late autumn, continuing throughout the very grey, wet winter we have had, I have been receiving enquiries from people who are suffering with sinusitis, sinus congestion and rhinitis, conditions which tend to prevail in colder weather, as the change in temperature and humidity can irritate the sinuses and lead to congestion, headaches, and other […]
Healthy Mum, Healthy Baby – Watch the video!
The subject of my most recent live discussion centred on a woman’s journey to pregnancy and beyond. I was joined by nutritional therapist, Sophia Hill, who as mum to recently turned one-year-old Freida, had plenty to share – from how she prepared her body pre-conception, how she navigated pregnancy itself to how she is faring […]
Happiness Unleashed – Watch the video!
‘Happiness’ is a word loaded with expectations, hope, yearning, and confusion. It can feel elusive, but this usually has more to do with how you relate to the concept than with how you really feel. In my most recent live event, I delved into the subject of happiness with Rapid Transformational Therapist, Rosalyn Palmer. If […]
Pelvic floor prolapse – before and after surgery
I would like to share this very insightful and inspiring video chat that I had with Glenys who was kind enough to agree to talk about her prolapse and the decision she took to have a surgical procedure carried out to fix it once and for all. I’ve known Glenys all my life. She is […]
Don’t let dodgy digestion spoil your Christmas – watch the video
If you didn’t get the chance to watch my video about the best ways to avoid digestive discomfort and unpleasant flare-ups this festive season, then you can do so here. I am contacted by lots of people around this time of year, expressing concern (and sometimes panic) about how to get through the festive season […]
How Emotional Freedom Technique can help you survive Christmas – watch the video
Times are tough, more so than in a long, long time. We are surrounded by situations that create a lot of stress, anxiety, fear, loneliness, and isolation. Much of this was made worse by the pandemic, and now we live in a very challenging world, filled with conflict, and a spiralling global economy. It’s little […]
Dodgy digestion? Our Christmas Survival Kit is here to help!
If you are worried about the effects that all the rich, heavy food and possible excesses of alcohol will have on your digestive and gut health this season, I can assure you – you are not alone. I get a seasonal ‘deluge’ of enquiries in the lead-up to Christmas and many of them come from […]
Supplements that resolved peri-meno symptoms
Hormonal changes that occur during perimenopause and menopause can trigger digestive, gut as well as other symptoms you may never have experienced before or exacerbate existing ones. This is what happened to Anita and her Coeliac Disease symptoms when she contacted me. Anita told me how the digestive symptoms that she had been managing to […]
Mind Over Menopause – watch the video!
If you were unable to join me and the wonderful Rosalyn Palmer, Rapid Transformational Therapist for our recent live discussion, you can watch the video here, and I promise you – it’s one you will not want to miss! ‘Mind Over Menopause’ was the central theme of our discussion – how menopause can affect the […]
Mother and daughter’s symptoms resolved!
In this video I share the story of Helen and her daughter, both of whom had struggled for a long time with digestive issues – Helen with ongoing IBS symptoms and recurring diverticulitis, and her daughter with a persistent cough due to silent reflux. Four years ago, both Helen and her daughter started to take […]