Tummy Info

Do you need a colonic? If your digestive health problems persist, and once you’ve checked with your medical practitioner, you might decide to book a treatment with a naturopathic colon hydrotherapist, like Linda. Find a registered therapist here:

Tummy troubles almost always respond to a nutritional approach. Alongside supplementation with Just For Tummies, you may wish to consult a nutritional therapist for more advice and a diet plan. Find one here:

A medical herbalist makes use of plants whose traditional uses are backed up by modern scientific research and clinical trials. Find a medical herbalist here:

Feel confident working with a complementary therapist registered with one of the following bodies:

The IBS Network is the UK’s national charity for IBS.  Its mission is to advise, support and inform patients with IBS and to work alongside health care professionals to facilitate self care. For further information and advice about IBS, diet plans, and access to specialist IBS nurses, visit the IBS Network here:

Just For Tummies’ chosen charity helps families from the poorest countries gain access to a working loo and clean water, and educates them about hygiene and hand-washing:

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