Watch our informative video about all things colon hydrotherapy!

Colon Hydrotherapy

I always love hosting our Facebook Live events, and the most recent discussion about colon hydrotherapy was no different. It is after all one of my favourite subjects – the 90 minutes just flew by! I was joined by fellow colon hydrotherapist, Jane Bush, and the two of us were in our element as we shared our knowledge and expertise about this gentle yet extremely effective treatment.

If you weren’t able to join us, you can watch our informative discussion here.

Jane and I covered topics such as how colon hydrotherapy can help in reducing the symptoms of IBS, constipation, and other digestive health issues; we looked at the history of the treatment, the equipment used, how a treatment is carried out, as well as discussing its safety and the contra-indications.

Some of the questions we answered included: 

  • How much water is used during a treatment?
  • Why do you regulate the temperature of the water?
  • Why do you use herbal, probiotic, and coffee implants?
  • Is a colonic the same as an enema?
  • Can I have the treatment if I’m pregnant?
  • Does it hurt?
  • Do I have to take off all my clothes?
  • Does it ‘wash out’ the friendly gut bacteria?
  • Can it perforate the bowel?
  • How can I find a therapist I can trust?

If you have any questions about colon hydrotherapy or are seeking advice about a digestive or gut health issue, please do get in touch.