Try our Fibre-rich Flap-jacks!


You know when you really crave a snack but you know you can’t have one unless it’s uber healthy because you promised yourself that today you would be good? So you choose one of those healthy bars full of nuts and seeds and healthy stuff… but they are about as tasty as chewing on the leg of a table? These healthy high fibre flap-jack bars are nothing like that!

Flapjack recipe

My fibre-rich flap-jacks are full of flaxseeds which are also a great source of anti-inflammatory Omega 3s. The combination of butter, oats and flaxseeds all help prevent constipation, which will in turn reduce the risk of bowel cancer. The bars contain just enough sweetness to ensure they are truly irresistible.

They may be full of seeds, oats and dried fruits, but they are chewy and tasty and sweet and just truly delicious. In short, you don’t have to feel guilty eating them because they are good for you!

Here are a few more reasons to make these healthy bars:

  • easy and quick to make
  • last for a week in an airtight container
  • a perfect snack any time of the day
  • great for kids’ lunch boxes.

Wishing you well on your health journey!