At Just For Tummies we’re passionate about raising awareness, educating, empowering, and sweeping away the taboos that surround functional bowel disorders and digestive health.
Many people find the topic of digestive health embarrassing and confusing. Our aim is to provide products that people can understand and access – products that will effectively treat common digestive, bowel and bladder complaints, including Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), bloating, abdominal pain, smelly embarrassing gas, constipation, indigestion, thrush and urinary tract infections (UTIs).
These disorders cause a great deal of stress, worry, poor body image, loss of confidence, depression and social isolation – and this shouldn’t be the case. At Just For Tummies we pledge to provide information about the causes of, and treatments for, common digestive disorders; promote and disseminate research into natural therapies; empower sufferers through education; and open a dialogue about taboo subjects such as poos, farts and loos!
If you’re one of the millions of people suffering with digestive and gut issues, it’s time to break the silence and get help.