IBS – Don’t suffer in silence, there is hope


Are you suffering with IBS?  Don’t worry there is hope.  I recently ran a social media competition to win a 1:1 consultation with me, and some of the entries I received were eye opening. People suffering with uncomfortable and sometimes debilitating digestive and gut symptoms for 20 years or more, either were too ashamed or too embarrassed to talk about it. Some had been given the wrong advice regarding solutions and supplements, having spent a small fortune on ineffective treatments and expensive tablets.

Breaking down the taboos around poo, that after all is a normal bodily function, has been my mission ever since I began practising as a colon hydrotherapist. It’s also at the core of my Just For Tummies philosophy. Through the Just For Tummies brand, I’m dedicated to building a community and encouraging people to have conversations about this important bodily function.

We have a growing epidemic of digestive and bowel disorders and with diet, lifestyles, stress, pollution, medications, these disorders are going to increase year on year. We have around 20% of the population alone suffering with IBS, and they are just the ones who have visited their GP.  There are tens of thousands more, struggling to manage their symptoms, or not. And we all know the effect digestive and gut disorders can have on the mind, making a person feel isolated and causing depression.

In the fight to break the ‘poo taboo’, I offer a friendly online community with my Just For TummiesFacebook page and Tummy Talk Facebook community page. Here we talk about all of the embarrassing bits – diarrhoea, constipation, smelly wind – openly, so that people don’t need to hide behind closed doors and suffer in silence. On these social media platforms, I make myself readily available for advice for those who need it and I don’t charge a fee. It’s quite rare for me nowadays to take on any new colon hydrotherapy clients, my appointment book is full.

Through Just For Tummies, I offer a range of digestive and gut health supplements that really do work – just read the testimonials on the Just For Tummies website and the Facebook page. After speaking with people who have been suffering in silence, feeling alone and miserable for years, I’m often inclined to send free products to those who really need them to show them there is light at the end of the tunnel.

While Just For Tummies is a business and has to pay for itself, helping people is at the centre of what I do and what I’ve always done as a natural health practitioner.  In my own small way, I hope to lead those who have given up hope with their IBS and digestive issues onto a path of better health and quality of life.

I believe that as a practitioner, we should never ever undervalue or underestimate how much we can help others in need. Especially when many of us came to natural medicine because we had a health issue that was helped by seeking out natural medicine, I know I did. We have the skills and knowledge to make such a difference to someone’s quality of life, whether it be words of re-assurance, our knowledgeable advice, or treatments that we offer.

If you’d like to find out more about Just For Tummies and how it could help you, please contact me at linda@justfortummies.co.uk.

If you are suffering with IBS, you can find more information on our IBS diet plan here.

Don’t forget to connect with me on FacebookTwitter and Instagram as Just For Tummies and on my community Facebook page – Tummy Talk.