How to end bloating

How to end bloating. Around a third of the UK population suffer with some of the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, and for 1 in 10, the symptoms are so bad that they have to seek the help of a GP. One of the most common symptoms is chronic, painful bloating.

Once your doctor has ruled out that you don’t have anything serious causing the symptoms like Coeliac disease, crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, bowel cancer and, in women, any gyneacological diseases, you will find that your doctor is very much at a loss what to do with you. He may prescribe some medications such as laxatives, anti-spasmodics, anti-depressants, but there is little else he can do, and that is one of the reasons why bloating and other symptoms of an ‘irritable bowel’ are at record levels and are increasing.

I’ve recently received an email from a lady who has suffered with IBS, bloating, urgency for the loo and diarrhoea for many years. I really do feel for her because, in my opinion, much of the suffering she’s experienced over the years could have been avoided.

She’s had her appendix removed, and has had food poisoning twice, has been taking strong antacids for many years, as well as lots of other medications for other health issues, including oral antibiotics. I must admit that I love to get ‘my teeth’, into such cases as these because I can do so much to help resolve the symptoms quickly and painlessly.

This lady’s gut will have been dramatically affected and damaged by the food poisoning, the antacids, the antibiotics, and this can result in common symptoms of IBS.  I’ve advised that first and foremost, it is crucial that she begins to take a multi-species probiotic capsule daily like my Live Bacteria probiotics before meals to replenish her gut with ‘friendly’ species of bacteria. This ‘friendly’ bacteria will have been destroyed by the medications she’s taken and by the gut infections caused by food poisoning events.  I also advised her to take a natural Digestive Enzyme before lunch and one before dinner to help digest the carbohydrates, fats and proteins in her diet, taking the stress of her digestive system, until it has healed. The third supplement I advised was a high-strength Omega 3 fish oil capsule, well known for its natural anti-inflammatory benefits.

I also advised this lady to have some colon hydrotherapy treatments to help cleanse her large bowel, de-pressurise it of any trapped irritating gases and calm down and release painful bowel spasms.

We really do need a lot more education both within the NHS and in the community about the effect antibiotics have on the gut microbiome, and ultimately overall health and wellbeing.  It is so important that when a person has had a course of antibiotics, they take a course of probiotics to help replenish the ‘friendly’ bacteria.

If you have IBS, chronic painful bloating or constipation, then please contact me and I will offer you simple, natural protocols, that I’ve developed over the past 25 years, guaranteed to get good results, and resolve many of your symptoms.

You can find more information about the symptoms of bloating here.

Healthy eating options for bloating here.


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