On Tuesday 1st June, I hosted a Facebook Live event on how to manage digestive and gut health issues during the menopause alongside Sophia Hill, our resident Nutritional Therapist at Just For Tummies.
There was a lot of interest in this subject, and we were inundated with questions and requests for the downloadable Menopause and Gut Health downloadable fact sheet. For those of you who weren’t able to attend, you can catch up on all the topics we covered (including how the change in hormones during peri-menopause, menopause and post-menopause can lead to digestive and gut health issues) by watching the video. Just click below!
The video starts with Sophia providing an overview of how the change in hormones can affect digestive and gut health and the chemical and mechanical mechanisms behind this. It’s fascinating stuff!
Lots of questions were asked and answered throughout the session, including:
- Does the peri-menopause cause food intolerances?
- Can I carry out the Just For Tummies 5-day Charcoal cleanse if I’m on HRT patches?
- Since I began the menopause, my bowels have slowed down and I now get constipated. I’ve never had this before. Why is this?
- Why does the menopause cause acid reflux?
- I’m due to go on holiday with my family and I don’t want my peri-menopause symptoms to ruin the holiday. What can I do?
We also discussed the important role a healthy liver plays in ensuring women have a trouble-free menopause. And lots more besides!
It’s almost an hour long so grab a drink, settle in, and start watching. I hope you find it both interesting and useful.
Next Facebook live
My next Facebook Live event will take place on Tuesday 8 June from 7pm-9pm, where I will be speaking with fellow natural health therapist and author, Katherine Brooke-MacKenzie about her new book ‘Let That Sh*t Go! 31 Things To Do If You Want A Better Poo.’
Katherine is a real character, full of humour and sparkling wit. You’ll be entertained, as well as educated about how to poo more and better! To make sure you don’t miss it, like my Facebook page or sign up to receive my email newsletter, The Tummy Times.