Reflexology can be of significant benefit to you when trying to pinpoint areas in your body that are not working as they should be. It’s a particularly effective treatment when it comes to helping to increase blood flow and stimulation to the digestive system and decrease stress to that area of your body. With that stress reduced comes increased healing to your stomach and gut – from the inside out. I talk in greater depth in this video with reflexologist and women’s health coach, Lynn Butler.
It’s a very informative discussion and well worth watching if you want to learn more about how both reflexology and emotional freedom technique (EFT) are such effective therapies when it comes to managing digestive and gut symptoms.
During our discussion, Lynn showed us the trigger points on the hands and face that people who are in the middle of an IBS/bloating/acid reflux flare-up can massage; she also showed the points for those who suffer with constipation and need their bowels stimulating. There are points that you can massage on your face, but if you’re out in public, there are more discreet ones on the hands too. We also covered reflexology points to help support the immune system, fertility, and pregnancy (it’s perfectly safe to have reflexology when pregnant).
There are also reflexology points and EFT for anxiety, stress and panic attacks. Lynn demonstrates one technique during the video that’s done on the hands, whilst repeating the affirmation ‘I can do hard things’. It was something that Lynn recommended medical staff in hospitals do whilst they were in ICUs coping with 30 patients instead of 3! I can’t imagine how stressful that must have been for them.
We were asked if reflexology would help with fatigue after a virus – this was a well-placed question as this is how I became interested in reflexology; I started having it myself 30 years ago when I came down with chronic fatigue syndrome after a nasty bout of tonsillitis. Reflexology saved me.
Lynn is deeply spiritual and there are many subjects we could have covered. We had to be careful not to veer off into talking about reiki, soul realignment, chakras, akashic records and all manner of other wordly pursuits!
You can contact Lynn Butler – Holistic Health & Happiness. at: and on social media @lynibutler.
To find a qualified reflexologist in your area, look here.