Home-made broth cubes

Do you buy your stock cubes from the supermarket? If so, does it concern you that they may be full of salt, starches and artificial ingredients?

In no time at all, you can make your own bone broth ice cubes, and you can do this for gravy too.  Just get a silicone or stainless-steel ice cube tray and when the juices from your roast chicken, beef joint, fish, roast onions or the vegetables have cooled down, pop them into the cubes and freeze. Don’t forget to pop a pinch of salt and pepper and some brown rice powder to thicken first before they cool down, and hey presto!

Great to defrost when you need a little gravy to add to a quick sausage and mash dinner.  Use silicone or stainless-steel ice cube trays as adding greasy or hot foods to plastic trays may cause the chemicals in them to leach.

You can even make red and white wine wine ice cubes from left over wine in bottles and these are handy to pop into casseroles and stews or even to suck on – hahaha!

Thank you Jane Barrett, nutritional therapist from Nurturing Nutrition for these tips. www.nurturingnutrition.co.uk

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