21 or 101 – look after your gut at ANY age!

Gut Health - Emily's Story

When you reach a certain age, digestive problems can be a common occurrence. I’m sure you’ve all heard your older relatives or friends say something like, “I can’t eat the way I used to…” or “Rich food doesn’t agree with me”. However, digestive problems don’t always wait until our later years to strike. It’s becoming more and more common for people under the age of 35 to suffer from these issues.

I often hear from people in their 20s and 30s, all sharing a common struggle with gastrointestinal issues. This includes IBS, Crohn’s disease, acid reflux, constipation, or other disorders that cause them significant discomfort.

Did you know that, according to the findings of a study carried out by The Collective, who create Kefir cultured drinks and yogurts, almost a third (32%) of 18–34-year-olds across the UK say they suffer from constipation often, with one in five never knowing the cause of the problem?

The same study found that this age group is visiting the GP for stomach problems more than any other age group in the UK. In the past three years alone, millennials have visited the doctors six times.  A further third (31%) suffer from indigestion and diarrhoea (26%) more often than not.

We’ve all become so keen on cutting out food groups, and popping painkillers and/or antacids that we’re missing out on one of the key drivers behind an unhappy gut…stress!

Have you noticed that when you relax and take time out, you sometimes feel that urge to go, having previously been a bit blocked up? Or, on the flip side, when you’re hard pressed to hit a deadline, and your stomach feels like a knot and your food doesn’t digest properly leaving you gassy? This is what stress does. If we don’t take measures to manage it, it can wreak havoc with our gut health.

Let me share 21-year-old Emily’s story.

I am so pleased that Emily got in touch and that she has had such success with my supplements.  It’s so very important to catch such symptoms early, and now that Emily has her symptoms under control at the age of 21, it’s a lot less likely that she will become one of the people who, by the time they reach their 40s or 50s, are on a cocktail of medication, because they were not diagnosed properly to begin with and issues were not nipped in the bud.

I cannot emphasise enough the importance of taking a course of Live Bacteria probiotic capsules after every course of antibiotics, regardless of age. 

If you’ve had a course of antibiotics, for whatever reason, it’s imperative that you take a Live Bacteria capsule twice daily for a minimum of three months, one before breakfast and before bed, to help replenish the levels of beneficial bacteria in your gut.  The same applies to your babies and children.  Always, always put them on a course of probiotics if they’ve been prescribed antibiotics.  Let’s not forget mothers and grandmothers, who, more than likely, have been on a course of antibiotics, perhaps several courses, for UTIs.  Please educate them about the importance of replenishing and re-colonising their digestive system with friendly strains of bacteria to reduce the risk of developing digestive and gut issues and auto-immune diseases. 

Auto-immune diseases have escalated these past forty years, and some of the blame can be laid at the door of the overprescribing of antibiotics, not to mention antibiotics hidden in food.  But I will write more on this topic another time.

For now, please stock up on your Live Bacteria capsules to ensure your gut stays healthy.
